Thank You for Gravity,
For holding all things together.
Thank you for the ground.
Thank You for science, for the order of things.
Thank You for physical laws that help us understand why things work the way things do.
Thank You for nature.
Thank You for being supernatural.
Thank You for making humans in Your image.
Thank You for the wonderfully complimentary differences between men and women.
Thank You that You made sense
Thank You for eyesight! Wow, what a wonderful invention of yours.
Thank You for seeing us, too. …REALLY seeing us.
Thank You for loving what you see.
Thank You for light.
Thank You for colors.
Thank You for soft twilight shadows.
Thank You, Lord, for spoken language.
Thank You for vocabulary.
Thank You for sound
And for the gift of hearing
And for the gift of listening.
Thank You for listening to us.
Thank You for smell.
Thank You that good smells attract and pungent smells repel.
Thank You for oxygen to breathe
And H20 to drink.
Thank You for taste.
Thank You for food and sustenance and the pleasure of flavors.
Thank You for touch.
To be able to feel soft and scratchy, warm or cold.
Thank You for cozy things.
Thank You for warm friendly hugs.
Thank You for marriage.
Thank You for procreation.
Thank You for logic
And the ability to reason.
Thank You that You are greater than our logic and reasoning
Thank You that You are still logical and reasonable though.
Thank You for wisdom.
Thank You that Your wisdom turns things right-side up that were upside down.
Thank You that You are unchanging.
Thank You for creating change.
Thank You for seasons.
Thank You that what dies nurtures fresh growth.
Thank You for fun,
…for giving us things that are just flat out enjoyable.
Thank You for how time flies when we are having fun.
Thank You for time, what a precious gift.
Thank You for making everything beautiful in its time.
Thank You for setting eternity into our hearts.
Thank You for making the things of this earth, though temporarily pleasurable, NOT eternally satisfying.
Thank You for being our eternal satisfaction.
Thank You for worship.
…for creating us to worship and to know, when we give You the glory You deserve, that we are doing what we were created for.
Thank You for relationships and how You have made us for relationship with You first and foremost.
Thank You for joy,
…for taking spirits of heaviness and putting on garments of praise.
Thank You for humor.
…for eruptions of laughter.
Thank You that laughter is contagious.
Thank You for laughter that is so deep, your whole body shakes and your side aches.
Thank You for facial expressions.
Thank You for the beauty of smiles.
Thank You for responsibility.
Thank You for giving us things to be responsible for and stewards of.
Thank You for purpose and mission.
Thank You that it is a co-mission - You are with us all the way!
Thank You that we were not left alone as orphans but are children of the King.
Thank You that our mission can be accomplished.
Thank You that Your promises always come true.
Thank You for peace,
…even in the storms,
…even in Pandemics when all around are ruled by fear.
Your peace is immovable and unshakeable.
It is not a passive peace, hiding away trying to keep the big bad world out.
Your peace is active. It moves and fills and satisfies.
Thank You for rest - deep slumber,
…our daily “reset button”.
Thank You for new mercies every morning, sweet timely fresh starts.
Thank You for friendship,
…for loyalty.
Thank You for dependable friends and for being the most dependable friend.
Thank You for the big family of God.
Thank You for our Big Brother who made a way for us to be brought into this family - truly blood relatives.
Thank You for the Kingdom.
Thank You for the victory that this Kingdom represents.
Thank You for rescuing us from the domain of darkness to bring us into this Kingdom of light.
Thank You that Your Kingdom is a reality in the here and now.
Thank You for promising that we will see Your Kingdom in its fullness one day.
Thank You for preparing a place for us, a home.
Thank You for a seat at your table,
...a Feast of feasts.
Thank You for a place to belong.
Thank You for that feeling of belonging.
Thank You for the weight of Your glory.
Thank You for being so abundant in glory, that when You share Your glory with Your creation, it doesn’t diminish Your glory in the least.
Thanks for making all things good and glorious.
Thank you for making us in such a way that we can recognize glory.
Thank you for the joy of giving glory to those who deserve it,
... especially the One most worthy of glory.