My brother Robbie was a constant help during those hard first few weeks in the hospital. He even delayed his return trip to Italy (his home) to stay and help.
Robbie’s surgery for his feeding tube went well and he is back in his room. It has been a long day of discomfort as he is coming out of general anesthesia and the pain of a “new belly-button” and central line in place of an IV. Hopefully the coming days will begin improving.
My father in Searcy was walking out to get his newspaper this morning and had a lady pull over into his driveway. He did not know her but she had just dropped her son off at a nearby elementary and saw Dad. She asked, “Are you the grandfather of the boy at Arkansas Children’s?” After he said yes, she told him that she and her family had been praying for him and said, “We were praying as a family for him last night and after we prayed my boy, who has a birthday coming up, said, ‘Mom, do you think we could ask everyone coming to my party to bring money instead of gifts so we could give money to Robbie’s family?’”
When we told that story to Robbie, he began crying and wrote out “God bless him”.
Yes, God bless you all.