Our home church in Fayetteville, New Heights Church, sends out two or three "Global Training School" teams each summer to different areas of the world. These are teams of college students who feel God is leading them to future involvement in missions. The goal of G.T.S. is to allow them to go to the mission field and experience a variety of different types of mission work. We have found that God uses these experiences to speak to them and help clarify His vision for their future kingdom work. This was the first year for the team to come to Albania and it was a blessing to host this team of four college students led by our friends Arsid & Lindsey Panxhi (plus three other students for one week). Below is a week by week summary of our summerwith G.T.S.-Albania. Each picture gives you a link to a picture gallery and more in depth account for that week. We hope this can give you a sense of the amazing ways God was at work through this great team. JUST CLICK ON A PICTURE HEADING BELOW AND IT WILL TAKE YOU TO THE PHOTO GALLERY FOR THAT WEEK. Search the gallery thoroughly and you may discover the story behind each of the subheading quotes. Enjoy!
BONUS: one more photo gallery - the GTS team spent a day hanging out with all of the "M.K.s" (missionary kids) and great fun was had by all!