Hello again. The last day of this year finds us still in the hospital. Robbie, we believe, is showing small incremental improvements. For those of us with him day in and day out, the improvements seem difficult to ascertain. For those who are away for a few days and then return, they are more noticeable.
Yesterday, he slept from 3:30am - 9:30am and then again from 3:30pm until 10:30pm. Unfortunately for my brother Robbie and sister Becca, he did not sleep at all through the rest of the night. It is 10:30am and he has still not slept. He is doing his waves of spasms though not as intense as a few days ago and they seem to be more relegated to his legs, ankles and feet. He seems to be moving his mouth, lips and tongue better though he is still unable to communicate other than the tone of his moans and a few sign-language yeses and nos every now and then.
He took his IVIG well again (the 2nd and last one) yesterday and is now off of morphine completely. We have been blessed the last three days with a wonderful nurse, Jordan Yarbrough (sp?) who is a Harding grad. and knows Robbie and Mona from when she went to HUF.
As you might imagine, it takes its toll on us to hear our son continue to go through these waves of spasms and pain. We know we have been given amazing strength through all of your prayers and we thank you again.
PRAY FOR PERSEVERANCE FOR ALL WHO ARE SERVING ROBBIE AND PRAY THAT THE SPASMS WILL CEASE! Please continue to pray for a total healing and complete recovery.
The girls are in Searcy with family and are doing well, keep them in your prayers as well.
FOR THOSE WHO DESIRE TO VISIT: please know that we are so thankful for your willingness to come by but we ask for your mercy and patience. We are unable to see or spend time with everyone who comes as we are busy attending to Robbie. Also, unless we ask you to stay, we ask that you keep your visit fairly short as it can be stressful for Robbie to deal with visitors and more stimulation than needed. Thank you for your understanding. Also, if you call, we may not be able to answer but will appreciate your voicemail message.
With love for all God’s family,
Ken and Tanja