It was a blessing to have our dear friends, the Brays, come and visit. Pictured: Amber, Rainy and Luke (a fellow Nerf gun fan) with Robbie.
So many are praying and going to the throne of grace on behalf of Robbie. It is like having an army of “persistent widows” with a common cause. We know each and every one of you is beloved by our Creator and He is listening passionately to your pleas for our son's healing.
Robbie had a bit of a long night. Muscle spasms were strong enough to wake him up pretty much every hour and would keep him awake about 20-30 minutes. We are going to try to keep him awake a bit more during the day so that he can hopefully rest better through the night.
Robbie is continuing to improve in small increments and every nudge back toward health is a joy to see. We noticed this morning he seemed to be able to swallow when he wanted to instead of just doing it reflexively. He is enjoying hugging everyone who comes in his room and then, shortly thereafter, shooting them with a nerf gun. He moves very slow and does not yet have the strength or stability to load and cock his gun but is certainly very good at aiming and pulling the trigger.
PRAY FOR ROBBIE TO HAVE A STUBBORN AND STEADFAST DETERMINATION TO WORK HARD IN PHYSICAL THERAPY AND SPEECH THERAPY. Pray for strength and stamina, patience and compassion for all who work with Robbie.
“And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly.” - Jesus (Luke 18:7-8a) after telling of an unjust judge and an importunate widow.
Grace and peace,